General concept
The study of holomorphic symplectic varieties and the related topic of certain moduli spaces are vibrant areas of research. Although they are studied all over the world, particularly many researchers working on these topics are situated in Europe and Japan. The Japanese-European Symposium on Symplectic Varieties and Moduli Spaces" has the goal to intensify the scientific exchange between researchers in these fields despite of the geographical distance. It is mainly aimed at young researchers, starting from last year PhD students.
After the first Japanese-European Symposium on Symplectic Varieties and Moduli Spaces was held in Kyoto in October 2015 and the second edition took place in Levico Terme in September 2017, and the third edition in August 2018 in Kagurazaka (Tokyo). The future plan is to run this conference every year for some time, once in Europe and once in Japan.
The conference is meant to encourage interactions between participants, so the schedule offers a poster session, and it will leave ample time for discussions. There should be roughly 14 speakers. Additionally there will be two senior speakers giving several connected lectures.
Previous editions
- First edition: Kyoto (Japan - 2015)
- Second edition: Levico Terme (Italy - 2017)
- Third edition: Tokyo (Japan - 2018)
- Fourth edition: Zürich (Switzerland - 2019)
- Fifth edition: Online edition - 2020